Meditation on Twin Hearts (Illumination Technique)
Illumination technique or Meditation on Twin Hearts is a technique aimed at achieving cosmic consciousness or illumination. It is also a form of service to the world because the world is harmonized to a certain degree through the blessing of the entire earth with loving-kindness.
Meditation on Twin Hearts is based on the principle that some of the major chakras are entry points or gateways to certain levels or horizons of consciousness. To achieve illumination or cosmic consciousness, it is necessary to sufficiently activate the crown chakra. The Twin Hearts refer to the heart chakra which is the centre of the emotional heart, and the crown chakra which is the centre of the divine heart.
Without leaving the house, one may know all there is in heaven and earth. Without peeping from the window, one may see the ways of heaven. Those who go out learn less and less the more they travel. Wherefore does the sage know all without going anywhere, see all without looking, do nothing and yet achieve (the Goal)!
– Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
When the crown chakra is sufficiently activated, its 12 inner petals open and turn upward like a golden cup, golden crown, golden lotus or golden flower to receive spiritual energy which is distributed to other parts of the body. It is also symbolized as the Holy Grail. The crown worn by kings and queens is but a poor replica or symbol of the indescribable resplendent crown chakra of a spiritually developed person.
The golden crown which is rotating very fast appears as a brilliant flame of light on top of one’s head. This is symbolized by the meter worn by the pope, cardinals and bishops.

When the crown chakra is highly activated, a halo is produced around the head. This is why saints of different religions have a halo around their head. Since there are different degrees of spiritual development, the size and brightness of the halo also vary.
Meditation should be directed toward the realization of oneness with God. Your entire attention should be given to the realization of God always hearing in mind that the kingdom of God is within you, neither lo here nor lo there, but within you.
– Joel Goldsmith
When a person does Meditation on Twin Hearts, divine energy flows down to the practitioner filling him with divine light, love and power. The practitioner becomes a channel of this divine energy. In Taoist Yoga, this divine energy is called “heaven ki”. In kabbalah, this is called the “pillar of light”, referring to what clairvoyants literally see as a pillar of light. The Indian yogis call this pillar of light as the spiritual bridge of light or “antakharana”. The Christians call this the “the descent of the Holy Spirit” which is symbolized by a pillar of light with a descending dove. In Christian art, this is shown in pictures of Jesus or the saints having a pillar of white light on top of their heads with a descending white dove. This is to symbolize the coming down of the divine energy. Spiritual aspirants who have practiced this meditation for quite sometime may experience being enveloped by dazzling, sometimes blinding, light or his head filled with dazzling light. This has been a common experience among advanced yogis and saints of all religions. If you study the holy scriptures of different religions, you will notice the similarity in their experiences.

The crown chakra can only be sufficiently activated. The heart chakra is a replica of the crown chakra. When you look at the heart chakra, it looks like the inner chakra of the crown chakra which has 12 golden petals.

Crown Chakra

Front Heart Chakra

Back Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is the lower correspondence of the crown chakra. The crown chakra is the centre of illumination and divine love or oneness with all. The heart chakra is the centre of higher emotions. It is the centre for compassion, joy, affection, consideration, mercy and other refined emotions. It is only by developing the higher refined emotions that one can possibly experience divine love. To explain what is divine love and illumination to an ordinary person is just like trying to explain what colour is to a blind man.
There are many ways of activating the heart and crown chakras. You can use physical movements or hatha yoga, yogic breathing techniques, mantras or words of power, and visualization techniques. All of these techniques are effective but are not fast enough. One of the most effective and fastest ways to activate these chakras is to do Meditation on Loving-Kindness, or bless the whole earth with loving-kindness. By using the heart and crown chakras in blessing the earth with loving-kindness, they become channels for spiritual energies, thereby becoming activated in the process. By blessing the earth with loving-kindness you are in turn, blessed many times. It is in blessing that you are blessed. It is in giving that you receive. This is the law!
A person with a sufficiently activated crown chakra does not necessarily achieve illumination for he has yet to learn how to use the activated crown chakra. This is just like having a sophisticated computer but not knowing how to operate it. Once the crown chakra has been sufficiently activated, then you have to do meditation on the light, on the mantra om or amen, and on the intervals between the oms or amens. Intense concentration should be focused not only on the mantra om or amen but especially on the interval between the two oms or amens. It is by concentrating on the light and the interval (moment of stillness or silence) between the two oms or amens that illumination or samadhi is achieved!
In yoga, there is a common saying that if the water is turbulent, it is difficult to see what is under it. If the water is calm, one can easily see what is under the water. Likewise, when the mind and the emotions are chaotic, self-realization is not possible. When the mind and the emotions are still, however, it is possible to achieve what Indian yogis call “self-realization”, or what is known in Buddhism as “becoming aware of one’s true nature” or “illumination” in the Christian religion.
With most people, the other chakras are quite activated. The basic chakra, sex chakra, and solar plexus chakra are activated in practically all persons. Their instincts for self-survival, sex drive and their tendency to react with their lower emotions are very active. With the pervasiveness of modern education and work that require also the use of the mental faculty, the ajna chakra and the throat chakra are developed in a lot of people. The heart chakra and the crown chakra, however are not developed in most people. Modern education, unfortunately, tends to over-emphasize the development of the throat chakra and the ajna chakra or the development of the concrete mind and the abstract mind. The development of the heart has been neglected. Because of this, you may encounter a person who is quite intelligent but very abrasive. This type of person has not yet matured emotionally or has a heart chakra that is quite under-developed. Although he is intelligent and may be “successful”, his human relationships may be very poor, hardly having any friend and may have no family. By practicing Meditation on Twin Hearts, a person becomes harmoniously balanced. This means that the major chakras are more or less balancedly developed.
Whether the abstract and concrete mind will be used constructively or destructively depends upon the development of the heart chakra. When the solar plexus chakra is overdeveloped and the heart chakra is underdeveloped or when the lower emotions are active and the higher emotions are underdeveloped, then the mind would likely be used destructively. Without the development of the heart in most people, world peace will not be possible. This is why the development of the heart should be emphasized in the educational system.
Restrictions of practicing Meditation on Twin Hearts
Persons below 18 years old should not practise the Meditation on Twin Hearts since their bodies cannot yet withstand too much subtle energies. Doing so may even manifest as physical paralysis in the long run. However, there are exceptions to this rule. There are many highly evolved souls who have incarnated and whose bodies are now in the adolescent stage. These advanced adolescents have big chakras and can start doing Meditation on Twin Hearts at the age of 14 or 15, but their condition should be monitored to avoid unnecessary problems. Persons with heart ailment, hypertension or glaucoma should also not practise Meditation on Twin Hearts since it may worsen their condition. It is important that persons who intend to practise regularly Meditation on Twin Hearts should practise self-purification or character-building through daily inner reflection. Meditation on Twin Hearts not only activates the heart chakra and the crown chakra but also the other chakras. Because of this, both positive and negative characteristics of the practitioner will be magnified or activated. This can easily be verified by the practitioner himself and through clairvoyant observation.
For those who intend to practice Meditation on Twin Hearts regularly, the following will have to be avoided:
- Eating pork, eel and/or catfish
- Smoking
- Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks
- Addictive and hallucinogenic drugs
Eating pork, eel and/or catfish while doing meditation regularly may result in kundalini syndrome. Pork oil or lard should definitely be avoided. Kundalini syndrome may manifest as:
- Chronic fatigue (or chronic extreme general weakness)
- Overheating of the body
- Chronic insomnia
- Depression
- Skin rashes
- Hypertension and others
Heavy smokers may experience chest pain while doing Meditation on Twin Hearts since their front and back heart chakras are dirty. There is also the possibility of developing hypertension if one smokes regularly. Therefore, smoking has to be avoided if a person intends to do this meditation on a regular basis.
Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks, and the use of addictive and hallucinogenic drugs have to be avoided also because they make the energy body dirty. Meditation with a dirty energy body will cause pranic congestion.
Extracted from Miracles Through Pranic Healing, Chapter 8.